
Establishment of the Center for Social Journalism

MUHAMMAD BADSHAH is one of the famous Islamic journalists and public figures

The Charitable Foundation for Social Support of members of various religious denominations "Islam and Peace", initiates the creation of an international "Center for Social Journalism" (CSJ) on its basis within the framework of the international project "People's Diplomacy". The CSF will become one of the foundation's projects funded from funds received as voluntary donations from individuals and organizations. CSF will operate on the basis of the fund's representative offices in the countries where they are located. In the context of attempts to implement the information blockade of Russia, and the exclusion of the SRF from the International Association of Journalists, the CSJ is designed to break through the information blockade, and convey to the world community the role and position of the Russian Federation in the geopolitical processes taking place in the world, as well as broadcast an example of interfaith and interethnic unity on the territory of the Russian Federation. In the outline of the fundamental tasks of the Islam and Peace Foundation, the leading role is assigned to interfaith rapprochement and cooperation, consolidation of people of faith and spiritual leaders, in the face of the ever-increasing threat of global negative processes for humanity.

In the process of implementing the above-mentioned project, negotiations were held and agreements were reached with a number of reputable and influential representatives of the clergy and journalism of Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the issue is being worked out and consultations are underway in India, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. All participants in the agreements and consultations agree to participate in an international conference, which should declare the goals and objectives of the project, structure it, and become the starting point for its implementation.
The articles are published in the UK based on foundation materials