Honourable fellow citizens, Russian society has consolidated in the practical support of citizens of the newly annexed territories temporarily arrived as part of Ukraine. In supporting the disabled and families of the deceased participants of the NWO But considering that any wars and conflicts are finite, and after them comes the time of recovery and adaptation to peaceful life. Already now it is necessary to think about the future.
The Islam and Peace Foundation, at the core of its activities, aims to provide practical assistance to the disabled and families of deceased participants of the IDPs. We are working to equip medical centres in the new territories and to supply them with medicines and related consumables. We are carrying out work, as a result of which we hope to contribute to the consolidation of all religious communities and the elimination of inter-confessional and inter-ethnic divisions. This is a serious and not simple process, but it is necessary to carry it out. Appealing to you for practical support, we offer joint, fully open and transparent charity work. We are sure that any religion is first of all faith, in the highest understanding of this concept, faith that unites aspirations of Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, despite the efforts of certain circles to oppose believers to each other, on the basis of inter-confessional disagreements, for the emergence of which there are no objective reasons.
By consolidating the joint efforts of people of faith, regardless of their denominational affiliation, we hope to unite people of faith, for faith does not and should not have differences of opinion, much less become a cause of discord among people. Centuries in which people's religious preferences have been used to oppose and antagonise each other have brought the world to the brink of catastrophe. If we together lay a foundation for neutralisation of this harmful way of development of mankind, if we unite and initiate the principle of rapprochement of world religions, a step to a new interpretation of interreligious relations on the basis of monotheism and equality of people on the planet Earth will be made. Let us start this process and help those who need our help.