
Address by the President of the Foundation to representatives of all religious denominations

What is happening in the world today does not fit well with the dream of almost every inhabitant of our long-suffering planet, the dream of a bright, cloudless future for our descendants, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. The human world, divided into races, countries, confessions, ethnic groups, over the centuries, has failed to find a universal unifying factor. The reason for this was the desire of the minority to dominate the absolute majority. Billions of people in all countries and on all continents are preoccupied with common problems, problems of survival in increasingly complex conditions of life and activity. Wars and conflicts, bringing fabulous profits to elites, and death, blood and grief to ordinary people, financial and economic policy, aimed at unjustified enrichment of elites, and leading to the impoverishment of ordinary, not vested with power people, perversion and violation of universal human canons, values of family, the nature of male and female, dictated by the unconditional principles of human existence, this is not a complete list of tools used for the absolute domination of the minority over the majority. The theory: ‘Divide and conquer’ has become the evil fate of the human race.
Among the main principles and ways of dividing humanity, initiating confrontation and violence, one of the main ones is the confessional factor. World religions, in their basis and principles, are based on maybe the last hope for justice and salvation. In an extreme, especially difficult life situation, when all hopes and possibilities are exhausted, a person turns to the Almighty. Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, cry to the Almighty for help and support and piously believe in the supreme justice of a single and impartial judge - GOD. And this faith is cynically used to foment enmity. For centuries, the cause of the bloodiest clashes was inter-confessional disagreements of people who had nothing to share. At the same time, these clashes brought clear benefits to their main initiators. Millions of people died, countries were destroyed, and all this happened under the pretext of defending the true faith against foreigners. A beggarly Christian killed a beggarly Muslim, in principle, receiving no dividends from it, and all this was done ostensibly in the name of faith. It was so, it is so, and whether it will continue to be so depends on us.

The Anglo-Saxon version of the modern world is based on the foundation laid many centuries ago. This foundation is based on the principles of disunity of mankind, the principles of constant confrontation in the human community, confrontation that does not allow citizens to realise that ordinary people are equally unhappy with this system of world order. Billions of people on the planet want to live in peace, trade, create for the common good, regardless of skin colour, religion and place of residence, to be sure of a bright future for their descendants, social equality and justice. However, this is contrary to the interests and fundamentally unacceptable for the absolute minority, which has usurped the right to dictate its conditions to everyone and everything.
People of faith, piously honouring the canons of the sacred books, erasing the principles of interfaith incompatibility and disagreements imposed on you, can become the basis for building and establishing qualitatively new relations of the human race. God is one, this factor is not disputed by the hierarchs of your religions, all believers, regardless of confessions are united by a single hope for justice, equality, salvation in a difficult life situation, what can be the reasons for opposing faith to faith? This question should be asked, and it is unlikely to find a weighty, justified answer. Then it becomes clear, this enmity is not necessary for you, and having understood it it is necessary to do everything to end this enmity. Honest open dialogue of believers from the position of faith, not our and your faith, but faith in essence is able to bring billions of people together, to erase the boundaries of misunderstanding.
The Foundation for social support of members of various spiritual confessions ‘Islam and Peace’, appeals to representatives of all religious confessions in Russia, near and far abroad. We propose to initiate an open dialogue between believers and believers. Our goal is to consolidate people of faith before the global threat to peace, prosperity and the very existence of the human race. In the plans of pretenders for absolute world domination the priority is the confrontation of civilisations. The conflict in the Middle East fuelled by the Anglo-Saxons is a classic example of inter-confessional war. This conflict is fraught with unpredictable consequences. And if believers and their pastors all over the world do not resist it, do not consolidate in the face of the global threat, the world will face unpredictable, but certainly tragic consequences.